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The Untold Story of the Kingdom of Judah

(E8) The Untold Story of Jeremiah the Prophet
Prof. Oded Lipschits

(E7) The Untold Story of King Josiah
Prof. Oded Lipschits

(E6) The Untold Story of King Manasseh
Prof. Oded Lipschits

(E5) The Untold Story of Sennacherib’s Campaign and the Fate of Jerusalem
Prof. Oded Lipschits

(E4) The Untold Story of the “Temple of Solomon” at Tel Moza
Prof. Oded Lipschits

(E3) The Untold Story about the Magnificent Structures Near Jerusalem
Prof. Oded Lipschits

(E2) The Untold Story of Judah’s Enslavement to Assyria
Prof. Oded Lipschits

(E1) The Untold Story of the Hundred Years of Assyrian Rule in Judah
Prof. Oded Lipschits

(D11) The Untold Story of the Last Days of the Kingdom of Israel
Prof. Oded Lipschits

(D10) The Untold Story of the Kingdom of Israel under Jeroboam II
Prof. Oded Lipschits

(D9) The Story about Joash that Was Told, but Not in the Right Place
Prof. Oded Lipschits

(D8) The Untold Story of the Historical Reality in Elisha’s Stories
Prof. Oded Lipschits

(D7) What was Told and What was Left Untold about Jehu’s Rebellion
Prof. Oded Lipschits

(D6) The Untold Story about the Greatness of the Kingdom of Omri and Ahab
Prof. Oded Lipschits

(D5) The story that was Told of the Kings of Israel and Judah
Prof. Oded Lipschits

(D4) The story that was Told of the Kings of Israel and Judah
Prof. Oded Lipschits

(D3) The Untold Story about Why Saul went to War against Nahash the Ammonite
Prof. Oded Lipschits

(D2) The Untold Story about Deborah, Barak, and Jael’s Victory
Prof. Oded Lipschits

(D1) The Untold Story of How the Book of Saviors Became the Book of Judges
Prof. Oded Lipschits

(C4) The Untold Story of the Shephelah in Sennacherib’s campaign
Prof. Oded Lipschits

(C3) The Untold Story of Moreshet-Gath
Prof. Oded Lipschits

(C2) The Untold Story of the Elah Valley Clan
Prof. Oded Lipschits

(C1) The Untold Story of the Lowlands and the Tribe of Judah
Prof. Oded Lipschits

(B5) The Untold Story of Temple's Renovation and the Altar Replacement
Prof. Oded Lipschits

(B4) The Untold Story of Shishak’s Campaign and Jerusalem’s Role in It
Prof. Oded Lipschits
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