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Tau Unbound

Recent Middle East Inflammation and Diaspora Politics

Prof. (Emeritus) Yossi Shain, Professor of Political Science at Tel Aviv University where he also served as head of TAU's School of Political Science,

Prof. (Emeritus) Yossi Shain Has served as the Romulo Betancourt Professor of Political Science at Tel Aviv University where he also served as head of TAU's School of Political Science, Government and International Affairs, head of the Abba Eban Graduate Studies Program in Diplomacy and director of the Frances Brody Institute for Applied Diplomacy. He is also a full professor of comparative government and diaspora politics at Georgetown University, and the founding director of the Program for Jewish Civilization (PJC) at Georgetown. In 2007, he also served (pro-bono) as president of Western Galilee College. Shain earned his B.A. (philosophy-1981 cum laude) and M.A. (political science-1983) degrees from Tel Aviv University and received his Ph.D. in political science (with distinction) from Yale University in 1988. In July 2016 Shain was appointed as a member of the Council for Higher Education in Israel, where he headed the national committee in charge of rejuvenating liberal arts and the humanities. He is also a former Knesset Member (Yisrael Beiteinu 2019-2022) and has served on national and international committees related to corruption, national security and Diaspora, migration policies and Government reform. He worked with NGOs in Israel, the U.S., the U.K., Mexico, and Armenia, and served for three years as President of the Israeli Local Government Conference.

In this new episode of TAU Unbound host Ido Aharoni is engaging in a conversation about his most recent work: The Israeli Century.

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