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Tau Unbound

Origins of Hamas Gaza War - Regional Perspective

Prof. Eyal Zisser, Vice Rector of Tel Aviv University, Department of Middle Eastern and African History

This new episode of TAU Unbound introduces TAU Vice Provost Prof. Eyal Zisser, who also serves as the holder of The Ettinger Chair in Contemporary History of the Middle East. Dean of Humanities (2010-2015), Director of the Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies (2007-2010) and Head of the Department of Middle Eastern and African History, Prof. Zisser covered in this conversation the regional perspective with an emphasis on Iran and Syria.

Zisser wrote extensively on the history and the modern politics of Syria and Lebanon and the Arab-Israeli conflict. Among his books: Assad’s Syria at a Crossroads (Tel Aviv, 1999); Asad’s Legacy – Syria in Transition (New York, 2000); Lebanon: the Challenge of Independence (London, 2000); Faces of Syria (Tel Aviv, 2003) Commanding Syria, Bashar al-Asad’s First years in Power (London, 2006); The Bleeding Cedar (Tel Aviv, 2009), Syria :Protest, Revolution, Civil War (Tel Aviv, 2014). He received his PhD from Tel Aviv University. He was a visiting professor in Cornell University and a visiting research fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

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